We are always looking for individuals who can assist us in providing the best possible volunteer ground search and rescue services in the area.


The Team training program is comprehensive, covering everything from search management and lost person behavior to night land navigation. All members are required to achieve and maintain technical proficiency in accordance with the standards of the team. Training classes are held each month (usually weekends) in the Central Massachusetts area. Topics, time and location are posted in the team newsletter. Members are reminded to dress accordingly for field conditions and the weather. A basic training outline is attached to the appendix.

Most of our adjunct instructors and classroom facilities are donated so that we can offer this training free of charge. Members are responsible for their own personal clothing, a fully equipped 24-hour rescue pack and transportation. Members are encouraged to acquire the basic gear only at the beginning of your training.


One of the greatest assets of the team is the diverse knowledge and experience of our members. We welcome your participation and encourage all members to get involved with the team. If you have a particular skill or knowledge that you would like to share with the team please let us know. We are always looking for assistance – from wilderness and medical training to team administration, public relations, and computer services.


To be an effective Search and Rescue member takes a commitment of time and energy. What we do is hard and dirty work, but it can be extremely rewarding for those willing to endure endless hours in the field.

Applicants for team membership must meet the criteria for admission requirements as follows:

  1. Be at least 18 years of age – 17 with parental consent
  2. Be at least First Aid and CPR qualified
  3. Be in good physical condition for strenuous outdoor activity
  4. Submit to a criminal background check (CORI)
  5. Agree to follow team by-laws, policies, procedures and all state & local laws
  6. Complete all basic training (60 hours)
  7. Agree to participate in a minimum of 24 hours of annual training or actual searches
  8. Agree to have your 24-hour pack within a reasonable amount of time

Submit Your Application!

Still interested? Please complete the CMSART application online. Applications will be reviewed by the board and submitted to the team for approval. We will notify you by phone when the team meets next.

Thank you very much for your interest and support. We look forward to having you as a member of the Central Massachusetts Search and Rescue Team!